Friday Link Love II

It’s Friday!


And it’s also Black Friday. As a Canadian I’ve only come to know about Black Friday in recent years. Our Thanksgiving is always the second Monday in October. No sales afterwards. I’m always in awe as to how Black Friday even started. Why do so many things go on sale? Why the day after Thanksgiving? I’m confused :(. Can someone fill me in? Whatever you do, please, for your sake, don’t end up like this guy…

image via

Here are some articles from around the web that have intrigued me this week. Enjoy!

A take on treating physical illness the same way we treat mental illness:

A different Kind of registry for those who do not want to own more stuff:

A super cute letter to a baby girl on why her parents live in a van:

I truly believe that stress is related to 99% of all physical illness, here is a nutritionist’s take on it, too:

Stay Present,

xo Sara Lou

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